Becky Earl (beART)
Yan- (Yan Photography)
Jaime Lackey (Jaime Lackey Photography)
Brooke Weidauer (Brooke Ashley Photography)
Becky, Yan, Jaime and Brooke ! Seriously!!!!! I almost peed my pants I was so excited for this weekend to come!!!! All 4 of these amazing women were so awesome in person I couldn't believe it! I learned so much I felt like I was on fire! It was seriously the most mentally stimulating and emotionally packed 2 days ever!!!!
Becky and Yan were so awesome and such great teachers. And Jaime and Brooke were just invaluable! I went in at a barely moderate level of photographer I'd say and while I wouldn't say I'm anywhere near pro now I feel like I have so many tools and tricks to take me where I want to go!!!! The best part was they really taught me how to find myself in my photography and my heart and I finally feel like I know who I want to be photography wise and how to produce images that just scream that!
So this may seem like a ton of pictures but I literally have over 1200 images I took from those 2 days! I know right?!?! These were some of my faves- I may post more later but that'll do for now. :)